Monday marks beginning of end for Interstate 25 construction between Colorado Springs & Fountain KRDO
A new project will help to address the food desert in Fountain KKTV
What's in Fountain? New project hopes to publicize what growing city south of Colorado Springs has to offer Colorado Springs Gazette
CDOT to perform traffic signal pole maintenance at US 85 and Fontaine Blvd Colorado Department of Transportation (.gov)
Controversial Amara annexation proposal moves closer to reality in Colorado Springs Colorado Public Radio
Railroad maintenance in Fountain set to shake up morning commutes KRDO
New King Soopers and development coming to Fountain
Plans move ahead for rail and industrial project to border Fort Carson, Fountain Colorado Springs Gazette
Construction and Maintenance Projects El Paso County Colorado
Carson, Fountain formalize construction partnership United States Army
Major I-25 cone zone going in south of Colorado Springs KOAA News 5
In Fountain, Colorado, There's Plenty Of Room For New Homes. But There Isn't Enough Water Colorado Public Radio
Major rail project near Fort Carson takes early step forward Colorado Springs Gazette
King Soopers to anchor shopping center in Fountain along Mesa Ridge Parkway KOAA News 5
New King Soopers under construction in Fountain raises concern about possible traffic impacts KRDO
A look ahead: 2024 expected to bring more growth, change to Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Gazette
Overnight closures on Interstate 25 in Fountain to begin Monday and continue through Saturday KRDO
King Soopers targets summer opening for new Fountain store, south of Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Gazette
Fountain looks to Colorado Springs for help with possible new housing development Colorado Springs Gazette
Fountain could see slowdown in future development because of a lack of water infrastructure Colorado Springs Gazette
Fountain subdivision planning for about 1,800 new homes Colorado Springs Gazette
Military Access, Mobility & Safety Improvement Program Updates for Week of July 28, 2024 Colorado Department of Transportation (.gov)
New traffic signal now working at Highway 85-87, Carson Boulevard intersection in north Fountain KRDO
King-sized King Soopers store planned in Fountain Colorado Springs Gazette
Temporary closure northbound off I-25 off-ramp between Mesa Ridge Pkwy. & South Academy Blvd. KOAA News 5
Fountain says it would welcome Amara, but developers say it couldn't be done Colorado Springs Gazette
City of Fountain to get a King Soopers KKTV
Fountain falling? City leaders say census data is wrong about declining population Colorado Springs Gazette
King Soopers' new store, QuikTrip's arrival, In-N-Out's third location: Updates on Colorado Springs-area projects Colorado Springs Gazette
Colorado Springs affordable housing projects kept pace in 2022, more under construction Colorado Springs Gazette
Colorado Springs-Fountain Coalition Brownfield Initiative City of Colorado Springs (.gov)
Thomas Kohones Obituary - Fountain, CO Dignity Memorial
BNSF maintenance work closing some Fountain-area train crossings this week KRDO
Project underway to replace 60-year-old Circle Drive bridges in southeast Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Gazette
Panorama Heights Affordable Housing Project Coming to Southeast Colorado Springs El Paso County Colorado
A big church — not a big developer — is building a retail project on Colorado Springs' north side Colorado Springs Gazette
Retail hot spots bubbling up in fast-growing Colorado Springs area Colorado Springs Gazette
Tourists get a bird’s eye view of Trevi Fountain during restoration works CNN
El Paso County residents invited to comment on South Powers extension Colorado Springs Gazette
Eminent domain likely in southeast Colorado Springs road project Colorado Springs Gazette
Colorado Springs Airport completes first phase of $36M renovation project Colorado Springs Gazette
Colorado Springs considers controversial annexation of thousands of acres Colorado Public Radio
Colorado Springs approves agreement for new rail spur to serve industrial park, Fort Carson Colorado Springs Gazette
These highway projects will slow Puebloans' commutes this summer Pueblo Chieftain
Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity inches closer to 200th home with another project completed Colorado Springs Gazette
Fountain-Fort Carson's 4,000-seat, $40 million arena will rival top prep venues across the country Colorado Springs Gazette
Underline looks beyond Colorado Springs with new PE backing from Ares Fierce Network
$114 million construction project coming to Interstate 25 and Highway 50 in Pueblo Pueblo Chieftain
Prefabricated apartments offer a more affordable housing option in Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Gazette
Authorities work to respect traditions after discovery of ancient remains in Fountain Colorado Springs Gazette
Four-year Jayhawk Boulevard construction project could end with re-creation of old tree canopy, new center bike lane Lawrence Journal-World