OBC Sermons

Problems We Face in the Church Today

Acts 23:23-25 - Continuation of previous lessons from Acts.

A plot against Paul by 40 Jews - to kill him.  Paul's nephew hears about the plot, warns Lysias, the Roman…

God Gives Opportunities in Adversity

Acts 21:27-29 
Men probably came from Ephesus (served many idols, had the Artemesian Games)  was a big riot when Paul was there. 
They accused Paul of having contempt for the…

The Journey to Jerusalem

Paul's Third Missionary Journey - spent 2 years in Ephesus, left after a major riot, visited other churches already established, then headed to Jerusalem. 

Acts 20:16, 22-25

The journey to…

Every Dad's Fight

 Nowadays dads are portrayed on the media as dorky, evil or toxic, absent.  BUT, don't let them lie to you --- Dads are really important.

Some statistics:  

US Census Bureau…

Parenting: The World's Greatest Children's Ministry

 Mark 10:13-15  Matt. 18:5-6  Children matter to Jesus.  God has a heart for children.  Children's Ministry matters.    The disciples probably thought they were doing a good thing by keeping the…

Developing Godly Marital Character

Prov. 31:10-31
What a woman!  What man would not want a wife like that?

in Summary, she is:
(1)  trustworthy
(2)  a manager of the household
(3)  industrious; hard working…

Fortify Your Marriage

 Marriage = designed by God as a gift

Now days, seen as outdated, unnecessary, restrictive.  But, NOT by God's standard.  

Was the first human institution.

Look at Paul's letter to…

What Makes a Godly Mom?

 Prov. 31:30 - a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
(side note:  if your mom is failing at some of these points, don't tease her.  Remember:  Matt…

Paul's Final Words to Ephesus Leaders

Intro:  Paul spent 3 yrs. @ Ephesus, leaves after a riot, travels  throughout the area (3rd missionary journey)
Decides NOT to return to Ephesus!  Goes instead to Miletus - 30…

Paul in Troas: The Comfort of the Resurrection

 Acts 20:1-6
Paul headed back to Jerusalem, is collecting offering for believers there. 
    (Ref:  1 Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15, Rom. 15:25-28)
Representatives from churches accompanying Paul - 2 Cor…

What was God up to in Ephesus?

Great works happening in Ephesus:

1)  Apollos preached there - got his start
2)  Paul taught there in the synagogues
3)  Paul went back to Jerusalem, then to his home…

Paul at Ephesus

 Ephesus = port city, major commercial trade center, AND has temple of Artemis (4 time the size of the Parthenon in Athens) - one of the 7 wonders of the…

Ephesus, Apollos, and Knowing Jesus More

 Recap:  Paul has been in Corinth - city of great vice.  Had 1 1/2 years of encouragement, success, no beatings devoted himself to the ministry, and made new friends -…

Easter Sunday: The Resurrection - Why It Matters

 I.  Why is the resurrection so important? 

     A.  The Resurrection Confirms Jesus' message - If Jesus hadn't raised from the dead, He would have been a liar.  Matt. 17:22-23, Mark…

The Lord's Supper and You

 Origin of hte Lord's Suupper -- disciples gathered in Jerusalem to celebrae (commemorate) the Passover (Ex. 12)

They celebrate (commemorate)
(1)  their deliverance - from slavery in Egypt
(2)  their

How to Refresh a Weary Spirit

 Last time = Paul in Athens.  Very intellectual city - philosophers, elites.  Had Areopagus (council that set the morals for the society). 
Preached at the Synagogue, also in market place…

Paul's 2nd. Missionary Journey

Acts 13-14 = 1st. Missionary Journey - 1200 to 1500 miles, 1 - 2 years

 Now 2nd. Missionary Journey - Acts 12:36 - going back to check on churches established…

Apostle's Guide to Evangelism and Short Term Mission Trips

Acts 17:16-34 - How the lonely seedpicker educated the intellectuals

Paul was run off from Berea by the Thessalonians.  Silas and Timothy meeting him in Athens.

Athens = cultural center…

How to Hear From God: A Lesson From the Bereans

 Acts 17:10 - Background:  2nd. Missionary Journey, visiting churches established on first journey, new territory, Macedonian province, Greece, Europe.  Paul run out of Thessalonica.

Acts 17:11-15 - Jews were more

Know/Teach the Real Jesus

Recap:  Paul gets an apology from the authorities for the beating and imprisonment; encourages the believers there at Philippi, departs for Thessalonica.  Passed through other areas.  Why?  Thessalonica was the…

How Jesus Sets the Captives Free

Recap:  Paul and Silas = 2nd. Missionary journey to check in with churches previously established, to strengthen their faith, as well as expand the territory.    Were seeking to go other…

Prioritize Praise

 Psm. 148:1-13

Many things we listen to leave us empty, stressed, afraid.  Give no benefit at all. 
However, when force self to worship (ie:  singing praises to God) - am…

Acts 15 continued

Last week "Jerusalem Council" (addressed matter of Gentiles and the Law) - whether new Gentile believers needed to follow Jewish Law - mainly re. circumcision

Now ... Paul and Barnabas…

Dealing with Church Conflict

 After their return from 1st. missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas gave a report.  Conflicts arose.

Acts 15:1  Jews have the history, were God's chosen people.  Established the sacrifices, upheld the…

The Mixed Reviews of the Gospel

Example:  Question - "How was the morning sermon?"  Answer = "mixed reviews!"
No matter how well the gospel is presented ... will always get "Mixed Reviews!"

Paul and Barnabas…

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