Thought for Today

Realm of Truth

The human body is a cage. Within it is imprisoned the spirit or soul, which is like a bird in a cage. The bird is in love with the cage and is always singing songs of attachment for the earth. If, however, the covers, or bodies, are cast off from the soul, the bird begins … Continue reading Realm of Truth

You Are Love

Keep quieting down until you enter a space in the universe where you are love. Then, instead of going around like a dry sponge trying to be moistened by the outside world, you go around watering everything you see. ~Ram Dass (1931 to 2019, Spiritual Teacher and Mystic)

Come Together

Worrying about scarcity is our culture’s way of manifesting post-traumatic stress syndrome. It occurs when we’ve been through too much, and instead of coming together to heal (which requires vulnerability) we get angry, scared, and fight with our fellow human beings. ~Brené Brown (1965 to pres., Research Psychologist)

Spiritual Work

Removing the energy out of the traumatic experiences that formed us is a big job. Don’t think of it as a waste of time. It’s our spiritual work. We’re cleaning our hearts of anger, betrayal, hurt, damage, grief, and shame, all the stuff that we’ve learned and absorbed as children in our families and in … Continue reading Spiritual Work

The Heart

The heart is basically as radiant and vast and open as the sky itself. It’s always thus. But, to be resting there, means resting in this openness. Resting in the empty nature of things, including the nature of the sense of self. When we’ve lost connection with our heart, is there anything more important than … Continue reading The Heart

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