Shale Gas 1

Shale in the United States

Over the past decade, the combination of horizontal drilling and…

How much U.S. electricity is generated from renewable energy?

U.S. power plants used renewable energy sources, including water, wind…

How much of U.S. electricity supply comes from wind, and how does that compare with other countries?

The United States is the world's top producer of electricity…

How is the fuel mix for U.S. electricity generation changing?

In recent years, there have been changes in the mix…

Who are the major players supplying the world oil market?

The world oil market is complex. Governments and private companies…

What are greenhouse gases and how much are emitted by the United States?

Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun and warm the…

What is the role of coal in the United States?

The United States has the world's largest estimated recoverable reserves…

What are the major sources and users of energy in the United States?

The major energy sources consumed in the United States are…

What is the electric power grid, and what are some challenges it faces?

The U.S. power grid is the electrical system that connects…

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