Embedded Systems@ ECE-UTEXAS

Mental Image of Pointers in C

Ramesh and Jon tackle Pointers. Most confusion about C Pointers springs from having the wrong Mental Image of what pointers look like in memory - Declarations go "In the Box" is Ramesh's refrain!!!

Device I/O Registers De-Mystified

Amina Meddad asks, "What are device I/O registers?"

Jon Valvano explains the fundamental concept of Memory-mapped I/O by showing, how we interact with Input and Output devices connected to pins on our Microcontroller.

Hard Fault 101 - Memory Alignment

Anthony Hermez answers everybody's dreaded question: "Why is my code stuck in a loop I did not write?"


Amina Meddad plays "everybody"

Mental Image of a Memory Map

Jon asks Ramesh to give him a mental image of memory as he is confused by the term "Memory Map"

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