AllAfrica News: Equatorial Guinea

Nsue Back for Equatorial Guinea in FIFA World Cup Qualifiers

[CAF] Equatorial Guinea's captain Emilio Nsue returns after suspension and has been included in his country's squad for their World Cup qualifiers against Sao Tome e Principe and Namibia over the next week.

Economic Diversification Is Crucial for Unlocking New Sources of Growth in Equatorial Guinea, Says New Report

[World Bank] Malabo -- Economic diversification away from oil, investing in its people and strengthening institutions are crucial for stemming economic decline in Equatorial Guinea, says the World Bank in its latest Country Economic Memorandum report on the country.

Equatorial Guinea and Jammeh's Equation

[] The prospect of trying former Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh has grown bigger with the plan of a tribunal supported by the regional political organization ECOWAS. But there's a snag: how to get him out of his protected exile in Equatorial Guinea? Equatoguinean lawyer Lucas Olo Fernandes explains how this country agreed to take Jammeh after his fall and what factors have prevented his extradition so far.

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