OBC Sermons

Start Winning the Battle in Your Mind

 We all struggle with discouragement, anger, depression, fear, frustration, etc,  Many are completely destroyed.  The major battles start in the mind.

Today:  Paul to the Philippians, from prison.

Phil. 4:4

The Christian Journey - Part 2

 Last Week = Israel out of Egypt + into the wilderness
Egypt = bondage    Wilderness = teaching and testing
Promised Land = where God wanted His people to dwell in…

The Christian Journey

Comparison:  Israel's Journey from Egypt to the Promised Land

Application = 1 Cor. 10:1-6, 11

This = parallel to the Christian journey.
Egypt = land of bondage
Wilderness = wandering…

Priority Problems

Do you find yourself busy, doing stuff,  but accomplishing nothing?  Worried & stressed and have regrets at the end of the day.

The world today = directionless, anxious, unproductive.  However…

8 Words to Direct Your Life

Opening Scriptures:
Matt. 5:13 - you are the salt
Matt. 5:14 - you are to be the light of the world
Eph. 2:10 - you were created by God for…

Faith for the Fire

Recap = Daniel 1.  (See last week's notes.)  605 BC - Jerusalem invaded, best and wisest of young men taken to Babylon to make them into Babylonian wise men.


Set Apart for the Lord

 Can learn a lot from Sunday School Bible stories.  They stick with you throughout your life.

This morning from book of Daniel.

Dan. 1:1-2 - takes place about 605 BC…

Primary Elements of A True Christian Faith

1st. John - - written to Christian Churches dealing with Gnostics - (claimed they had knowledge no one else had.  They perverted the gospel.)  written by John at about 90…

The Unhindered Incarceration

Paul is in prison but God's Word goes on and is not hindered.

We are coming from Acts - Paul's 3rd. missionary journey, testified before governors and kings, the Sanhedrin…

Miracles in Malta

 Acts 28

Last week - God worked thru shipwreck at Malta.
Malta - small island 17 mi x 9 mi.  50mi. south of Sicily.  180 miles north of Libya.  Descended…

7 Spiritual Certainties to See When Storm-tossed and Shipwrecked


It's been 2 years since Acts 23:11

Paul had been arrested in the temple, testified before the Sanhedrin, the mob, Felix (Roman governor) and Priscilla, Centurions and soldiers, Festus…

Paul on Trial

Acts 21:27-28, 30
Paul returns to Jerusalem - results in riot in the temple court.  Accused of preaching against the Jewish people, against the Law, against the temple.

The Roman…

Problems We Face in the Church Today

Acts 23:23-25 - Continuation of previous lessons from Acts.

A plot against Paul by 40 Jews - to kill him.  Paul's nephew hears about the plot, warns Lysias, the Roman…

God Gives Opportunities in Adversity

Acts 21:27-29 
Men probably came from Ephesus (served many idols, had the Artemesian Games)  was a big riot when Paul was there. 
They accused Paul of having contempt for the…

The Journey to Jerusalem

Paul's Third Missionary Journey - spent 2 years in Ephesus, left after a major riot, visited other churches already established, then headed to Jerusalem. 

Acts 20:16, 22-25

The journey to…

Every Dad's Fight

 Nowadays dads are portrayed on the media as dorky, evil or toxic, absent.  BUT, don't let them lie to you --- Dads are really important.

Some statistics:  

US Census Bureau…

Parenting: The World's Greatest Children's Ministry

 Mark 10:13-15  Matt. 18:5-6  Children matter to Jesus.  God has a heart for children.  Children's Ministry matters.    The disciples probably thought they were doing a good thing by keeping the…

Developing Godly Marital Character

Prov. 31:10-31
What a woman!  What man would not want a wife like that?

in Summary, she is:
(1)  trustworthy
(2)  a manager of the household
(3)  industrious; hard working…

Fortify Your Marriage

 Marriage = designed by God as a gift

Now days, seen as outdated, unnecessary, restrictive.  But, NOT by God's standard.  

Was the first human institution.

Look at Paul's letter to…

What Makes a Godly Mom?

 Prov. 31:30 - a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
(side note:  if your mom is failing at some of these points, don't tease her.  Remember:  Matt…

Paul's Final Words to Ephesus Leaders

Intro:  Paul spent 3 yrs. @ Ephesus, leaves after a riot, travels  throughout the area (3rd missionary journey)
Decides NOT to return to Ephesus!  Goes instead to Miletus - 30…

Paul in Troas: The Comfort of the Resurrection

 Acts 20:1-6
Paul headed back to Jerusalem, is collecting offering for believers there. 
    (Ref:  1 Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15, Rom. 15:25-28)
Representatives from churches accompanying Paul - 2 Cor…

What was God up to in Ephesus?

Great works happening in Ephesus:

1)  Apollos preached there - got his start
2)  Paul taught there in the synagogues
3)  Paul went back to Jerusalem, then to his home…

Paul at Ephesus

 Ephesus = port city, major commercial trade center, AND has temple of Artemis (4 time the size of the Parthenon in Athens) - one of the 7 wonders of the…

Ephesus, Apollos, and Knowing Jesus More

 Recap:  Paul has been in Corinth - city of great vice.  Had 1 1/2 years of encouragement, success, no beatings devoted himself to the ministry, and made new friends -…

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